Technical Framework

Development roadmap & architecture.

Architecture and schema design

Our development process begins with the design of a robust architecture and database schema that supports scalability, security, and performance.

We leverage modern architectural paradigms and best practices to ensure the long-term success of your project.

  • Robust architecture design for scalability and security
  • Database schema design optimized for performance and data integrity

Non-functional UI coding

In addition to visible user interface (UI) elements, we also focus on coding non-functional UI components that are crucial for functionality. This includes multi-platform responsiveness and dynamic UI development to support targeted devices, ideal user experience flow, and pre-backend integration.

  • Front-end development to support visible UI components
  • Implementation of visible logic and user experience

Beta phase coding

During the beta development phase, we focus on developing business features behind the UI components and iterative functional development.

Our agile approach allows us to make rapid iterations and improvements based on real-world usage to wrap-up development.

  • Agile development approach with iterative releases
  • Backend development to support non-visible UI components
  • Implementation of business logic and data processing