Cancellation and refund policy.

All the terms that you agree to when you initiate a project with us.

This Refund Policy (" Refund Policy") delineates the terms and conditions governing refund requests for services provided by Edge Case LLC ("Edge Case Studio," "Edge Case," "we," "us," or "our"). Your engagement with our services implies your agreement to adhere to this Policy.

Partial Refunds and Criteria

Customers may be eligible for a partial refund in instances where Edge Case has failed to successfully deliver and implement specific components of a project scope for which charges were incurred. For example, if certain features out of a defined set were not implemented despite repeated attempts, the cost attributable to those features will be assessed and refunded accordingly.

It's important to note that full refunds will not be granted under any circumstances.

Edge Case reserves the right to issue partial refunds when deemed appropriate and equitable, although every effort will be made to resolve issues prior to considering such action. In the event of a partial refund, the initial agreement will be terminated immediately, absolving Edge Case of further obligations related to the affected scope or deliverables.

Requesting a Refund and Duration

To initiate a refund request, adherence to the eligibility criteria outlined here is mandatory. Kindly direct refund inquiries to our finance department at [email protected]. After thorough evaluation and validity of the claims, the client will be notified of the partial refund duration.

Non-Refundable Services

Services including but not limited to Social Media Marketing, SEO, Store Optimization, Domain Registration, Web Hosting, and Consultation are not entitled to a refund under any circumstances.

Prohibited Grounds for Refund

The following situations are not grounds for a refund:

  1. If additional features are demanded without agreeing to a Change Request (CR) and paying additional costs, such requests for a refund on the initial scope will not be entertained.
  2. If the cancellation has been made due to reasons non-related to the Edge Case or the project and are personal, a refund won't be possible. Reasons such as ‘change of mind’, ‘disagreement with partner’, or other reasons that do not pertain to the service will not be subject to refund under any circumstances.
  3. If a client remains unresponsive or out of contact for an extended period, failing to respond to tasks requiring approval, and subsequently submits a refund request without justification, such requests will not be considered.
  4. No refund will be provided if another company or designer has been approached for an ongoing project.
  5. If project platform policies, such as those of Android or iOS, undergo changes resulting in limitations of development or technical limitations, the company will collaborate with the client to find solutions. However, the company cannot be held responsible for any disputes or damages arising from such policy changes.
  6. If the brief forms returned by the client lacks essential information, and both parties agreed to its terms, resulting in an unsatisfactory design upon final delivery, the paid amount will not be eligible for a refund.
  7. If a client requests a complete design change after approval, no refund will be considered under any circumstances.
  8. Partial refund requests that exceed the specified 'request for refund' time frame of 5-7 business days will not be eligible for reimbursement.
  9. If the client's business is closing or undergoing a name, model or business change, and they wish to withdraw from the project, Edge Case cannot accommodate refund requests.
  10. If a client subscribes to a service bundle and expresses dissatisfaction with a specific service, a partial refund will only apply to that particular service, not the entire bundle, if deemed appropriate.
  11. No refund will be processed once final files have been delivered and handoff is signed.
  12. Upon completion of any project milestone and receipt of payment, the corresponding amount paid shall be deemed non-refundable.
  13. Refunds will not be applicable for work outsourced by a third party or middleman.
  14. No refunds will be entertained for design change dissatisfaction once the client has approved the design and the website/app is sent for development.

Termination of Agreement

Edge Case reserves the right to hold or reject any project or cancel the contract whenever it deems necessary.

After the partial refund or dispute is filed, you will not have any rights to use the designs for any purpose, as they will be our sole property until the issue is resolved. Edge Case will be the full owner of deliverables.

Acceptance of this Policy

By initiating a project, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to all terms and conditions outlined in this Policy. If you do not agree to abide by these terms, you are not authorized to use or access the website and our Services.

Contacting Us

If you have a question about any of these Terms, you wish to learn more about this Policy or need to reach out regarding any concerns, please feel free to contact our Support team.